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Blogeinträge von Hans-Wolfgang aus Erlangen (Vorschau)
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Hans-Wolfgang hat bisher 22 Blog-Einträge verfaßt.

the whole Taoist vision is based on the complementariness of the opposites
If the world is in such a mess it is because of so many revolutions. The whole credit goes to the revolutionaries. Utterly ignorant people, not knowing even the ABC of the inner world, are trying to change the world. With no light inside they are blind, and whatsoever they do is going to harm. Of course their intentions are good but just good intentions don't help. Somebody's intention may be good and he may operate on my appendix knowing nothing of surgery. He may not even be able to recognise the appendix.
His intention is good: I am in pain, he opens my stomach to remove the appendix. But he will do harm, he will kill me. And that's what has been happening in the world.
12.10.2014 02:30 | 5x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 5432x öffentlich angezeigt | 5437x insgesamt

The scientist is perfectly right about objects, but the moment he comes to think about subjectivity -- the interiority -- he is baffled, because reason cannot function there.
Wisdom means my own insight. It has not to be taught to me, it needs no tuition. That's why I call it intuition. It is inner, it is already a given fact; it is a gift from Tao.
25.03.2014 21:25 | 4x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 6126x öffentlich angezeigt | 6130x insgesamt

Te-Tao Ching –Laozi (§45)
Höchste Vollendung erscheint unvollendet. Und doch ist ihr Nutzen nie erschöpft.
20.02.2014 23:57 | 4x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 6217x öffentlich angezeigt | 6221x insgesamt

Yes is dangerous
When a scientist goes to a flower, he only sees a part of it, the scientific part of it; he has a barrier, a transparent barrier. He never goes beyond that. He will see the scientific part, the material part of the flower. The rose is no longer beautiful, because beauty is not his concept. He will weigh, measure; he will look into the constituents of the flower, how much color, how much water, how much earth etcetera...but he will never think of the beauty.
When the poet goes, he never bothers about the weight, measurement, earth, water, and other elements that constitute the rose. For him, the rose is constituted of pure beauty; it is something from the beyond which has descended to the earth. He has a different kind of vision, far bigger than the scientist\'s, far more significant than the scientist\'s.
But when a mystic goes to the same flower, he dances -- he dances in tremendous joy, because a rose is nothing but God. A rose contains the whole universe for him -- all the stars and all the suns and all the moons, all the possible worlds and impossible worlds are contained in the small roseflower. It is equivalent to God -- neither less nor more -- exactly equivalent to God. He may pray, he may bow down.
The scientist will laugh, the poet will feel a little puzzled.... The scientist will laugh at the stupidity of the mystic: \"What is he doing? -- praying to a rose, praying to a tree or praying to a river or praying to a mountain? All nonsense, superstition!\" He rejects it. He simply denies the world of the mystic.
The poet will feel a little puzzled. Enjoying the beauty of the rose he can understand, but praying to the rose, bowing down to the rose, shouting \"Alleluia!\" to the rose? That he cannot understand. That is beyond his perspective. He will feel puzzled. He will think this mystic a little mad.
The scientist will think him superstitious, ignorant. The poet will think him a little eccentric, a little mad -- because he is going beyond his barrier, the mystic is going beyond the barrier of the poet. The mystic is going beyond all barriers -- that\'s why he is called the mystic, because he lives in the mysterious.
18.12.2013 23:53 | 5x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 6394x öffentlich angezeigt | 6399x insgesamt

Your great knowledge will certainly help you
And love certainly creates a great question: whether to choose the mask or to choose love. The mask is a miserable life. It has not given any joy to you, it has led you more and more towards the false. Love is the beginning of a new journey towards blissfulness. Don't miss that moment. When love calls, say yes. And when love calls, move. Move beyond your so-called personality.
18.06.2009 02:36 | 11x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12177x öffentlich angezeigt | 12188x insgesamt

Osho he is a phenomenon, an event.
All significant people come ahead of their time, but Lao Tzu came too far ahead. Perhaps only in some future period will we be able to understand him; the past could not do so.
There is someone who derives his life's joy only through work -- he is a workman. Not that he is a lowly being because of his being a worker -- it is grievously wrong to think so -- but unfortunately this mistaken interpretation did receive wide acceptance, for which the wise people who originally conceived it are not responsible. The responsibility should lie with those ignorant people who imposed their wrong interpretations on society. The wise ones said only this much, that there are people who can find their joy only through work, through service. If they are deprived of their work they will be unhappy, they will lose their souls.
11.06.2009 16:19 | 11x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12188x öffentlich angezeigt | 12199x insgesamt

Ein "empfindendes Wesen" an sich ist allerdings auch nicht viel wert
Es sind immer Schichten aus Gedanken, Worten, Erinnerungen, Gefühlen und Träumen, die den Augenblick wirken. Pascal hat recht, wenn er behauptet, dass wir, wenn uns jede Nacht derselbe Traum käme, davon ebenso beschäftigt würden als von den Dingen, die wir jeden Tag sehen: "wenn ein Handwerker gewiss wäre, jede Nacht zu träumen, volle zwölf Stunden hindurch, dass er König sei, so glaube ich, sagt Pascal, dass er ebenso glücklich wäre als ein König, welcher alle Nächte während zwölf Stunden träumte, er sei Handwerker".
Die Wahrheit ist ein ausserordentlich kostbares Gut, deshalb sollte sie mit äusserster Vorsicht und besonderer Sparsamkeit benutzt werden.
03.05.2009 23:38 | 15x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12228x öffentlich angezeigt | 12243x insgesamt

ubiquitous throughout all cultures
Power is, according to Lao Tzu’s (Tao Te Ching) Chinese philosophy, perhaps better understood as sense or the invisible spiritual laws in our world (= Tao). This is also shown in the following of excerpt of one of his poems: “The content of the great LIFE (Te) follows the SENSE (Tao). The SENSE (Tao) causes the things, so chaotic, so dark…”.
It’s likely that Charles Dickens was not well versed in the Taoist philosophy when he began his classic novel “A Tale of Two Cities” with the now infamous paraphrased line “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The truth is, you don’t have to study Taoism to appreciate the concept of balance. Balance is an inherent aspect of life. It’s ubiquitous throughout all cultures and has been expressed in the wisdom of every language since the dawn of humanity. Words such as “inner peace”, “equilibrium”, “stability”, “homeostasis”, “coherence”, and “steadiness” all speak to the philosophy of Taoism. Lao Tzu just happened to be the first to describe this philosophy – quite eloquently – more than two thousand years ago in his book “Tao Te Ching”. Dickens’s phrase, however, strikes a harmonic chord in the heart of almost everyone, because deep down inside, we know that both good and bad moments can coexist, for better or worse, on any given day and sometimes in the same situation.
28.04.2009 16:18 | 14x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12319x öffentlich angezeigt | 12333x insgesamt

get stoned
One of the disciples of Pavlov, the founder of the conditioned reflex -- the discoverer of the theory of the conditioned reflex -- was trying an experiment on the same lines. He bought a puppy and decided to condition him to stand up and bark tor his food. He held the pup's food just out of reach, barked a few times, then set it on the floor before him. The idea was that the pup would associate standing up and barking with getting his food and learn to do so when hungry. This went on for about a week, but the little dog failed to learn. After another week the man gave up the experiment and simply put the food down before the dog, but the pup refused to eat it. He was waiting for his master to stand and bark! Now he had become conditioned.
06.02.2009 00:27 | 15x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12499x öffentlich angezeigt | 12514x insgesamt

Die eigenen Bedingungen zu erkennen heißt das Glück zu schmieden.
Das Einzige, das wir tatsächlich in jeder Erfahrung erfahren können, ist das Leben selbst!
Selbst wenn alle das Gleiche tun würden, so macht doch jeder entsprechend seiner geistig-seelisch-körperlichen Verfassung andere Erfahrungen. Und das ist auch gut so! Im Taoismus geht es jedoch – entsprechend dem Weg des Tao – auch darum, sich der eigenen Erfahrung und deren Abhängigkeit von der individuellen Wahrnehmung der Welt bewusst zu werden. Dabei ist Lachen wie ein Transportmittel, das unseren Organismus mit Lebensfreude anreichert. Die Schritte, die jeder Einzelne in seinem ganz persönlichen Lebensumfeld aufgrund dieser Lebensfreude unternimmt, sind Schritte in Richtung Selbstachtung, Verständnis, Mitgefühl und Nächstenliebe. Der Taoismus ist ein humorvoll-heiterer Erkenntnisweg und dient der Reinigung von Körper, Geist und Seele, der Klärung der Gedanken und Gefühle und so dem ganzheitlich-harmonischen Gleichgewicht.
31.01.2009 00:46 | 16x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12539x öffentlich angezeigt | 12555x insgesamt

In the beginning there was Light
You have the Father-Power, the prime/unmoved mover, the Creator. You have the Son-Power, Christ the Light, the manifestation of the Creation; and you have the Mother who is sometimes called Sophia, or the Great Mother, Mater, matter. So matter is in fact Mother-Power. Lao-tzu expresses it as Tao: the primordial Father-Power manifesting itself through the Mother-Of-A-Thousand-Things.
25.01.2009 02:22 | 13x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12549x öffentlich angezeigt | 12562x insgesamt

suddenly time stops
Turning rage into OUT-rage one day at a time, consistently looking for ways to be proactive about a situation: my healing must start with my thoughts. The acceptable and the unacceptable are both acceptable. If you want a real woman, allow her to slip out of the hypocrisy of being a lady. She is a woman, alive. You both have to be active together. Then only can you come to a point where suddenly time stops, thoughts stop. A moment of such luminosity -- that is the beginning of spirituality.
09.01.2009 00:32 | 13x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12535x öffentlich angezeigt | 12548x insgesamt

Taoist, Christian, Hindu and Sufi ideas
Of all the Buddhist-related new religious movements Rajneesh – or Osho, as it is now known – is certainly the most outrageous and the most controversial. Although classified as a Buddhist-related new religious movement, Osho´s ideas were decidedly eclectic. Born into a Jain family, Osho drew not only on Buddhist sources, but on Taoist, Christian, Hindu and Sufi ideas, as well as the ideas of Gurdjieff and elements of secular western philosophy. The various traditions can intertwine: for example, Rajneesh believed that Jesus did not die on the cross, but was taken to Kashmir to learn meditation; the individual is inherently divine, but this key Hindu teaching does not need to be accompanied by respecting Hindu customs, even in a Hindu society. After his death, Osho´s followers have continued his tendency to syncretize. However, despite Osho´s eclecticism, one´s immediate impression of the „Multiversity“ at Poona in India creates the impression that ist principal focus is Buddhist: the main meditation hall is clearly designated „The Gautama Buddha Auditorium“; Osho has published commentaries on Buddhist scripture, and frequently emphasized Zen and concepts of enlightenment. It is essentially a form of „Beat Zen“, although apparently developed in isolation from the principal American „Beat Zen“ exponents.
31.12.2008 02:00 | 15x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12565x öffentlich angezeigt | 12580x insgesamt

seine Antrittsrede
Als Abraham Lincoln Präsident von Amerika wurde, war sein Vater Schuster. Und natürlich regten sich ein paar Egoisten sehr darüber auf, dass der Sohn eines Schusters Präsident wurde. Sie waren Aristokraten, die es für ihr Geburtsrecht hielten, an der Regierungsspitze zu stehen. Aber der Sohn eines Schuhmachers? Am ersten Tag, als Abraham Lincoln gekommen war, um seine Antrittsrede zu halten, stand mittendrin ein Mann auf. Er war ein sehr reicher Aristokrat und er sagte: „Herr Lincoln, Sie sollten nicht vergessen, dass Ihr Vater für meine Familie immer die Schuhe gemacht hat.“ Der ganze Senat lachte. Sie dachten, nun hätten sie Abraham Lincoln lächerlich gemacht.
Aber Lincoln – ein Mensch wie er ist aus völlig anderem Holz geschnitzt. Lincoln schaute den Mann an und sagte: „Mein Herr, ich weiß sehr wohl, dass mein Vater in Ihrem Hause Schuhe für Ihre Familie zu machen pflegte, und sicher gibt es noch viele andere hier… Denn so, wie er Schuhe machte, das macht ihm keiner nach! Er war ein Künstler. Seine Schuhe waren nicht bloß Schuhe, er ließ seine ganze Seele hineinfließen. Ich möchte Sie fragen, ob Sie irgendeine Reklamation haben? Ich weiß nämlich auch, wie man Schuhe macht. Wenn Sie eine Reklamation haben, mache ich Ihnen ein neues Paar Schuhe. Aber soviel ich weiß, hat sich noch nie jemand über die Schuhe meines Vaters beschwert. Er war ein Genie, ein sehr kreativer Mensch, und ich bin stolz auf meinen Vater!“
Dem Senat verschlug es die Sprache. Sie konnten nicht begreifen, was Abraham Lincoln für ein Mensch war. Er hatte die Schuhmacherei zu einer Kunst, zu einem schöpferischen Akt gemacht. Er war stolz darauf, dass sein Vater seine Arbeit so gut gemacht hatte, dass es nie irgendwelche Reklamationen gegeben hatte. Und obwohl er nun Präsident von Amerika war, erklärte er sich sogar bereit, ein neues Paar zu machen, falls es eine Beschwerde gäbe.
Der Mann schaute dumm aus der Wäsche. Lincoln forderte ihn auf: „Bitte, sprechen Sie! Warum sind Sie so still geworden? Sie wollten mich blamieren, aber jetzt – schauen Sie sich mal um: Sie haben sich selbst blamiert.“
28.10.2008 21:08 | 11x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12692x öffentlich angezeigt | 12703x insgesamt

ein stabiles Grundprogramm unseres Lebens
Alle Träume, die jeder Mensch träumt, handeln nur von ihm. Meinen nur dich! Immer ist der Träumer dabei eingefangen und abgehandelt, auch wenn man im Traum gelegentlich sogar in den Träumen anderer herumstochert. Es geht letztlich immer nur um den Eigenbezug. Insofern ist der Traum schon eine hochegoistische Quadratur im eigenen Lebenskreis, eine ständige Zurschaustellung der eigenen Bedürfnisse und für meine Entwicklung der eigenen Bedürfnisse. Aus diesem Grund versagt auch die Traumkraft in Bezug auf wirtschaftliche oder vordergründig finanzielle Hilfe. Dies ist kein Thema für unser Unterbewusstsein, das vielmehr suggeriert, wie unser Verhalten beschaffen sein sollte, damit wir weiterkommen und uns entwickeln. Wir können keine Lottozahlen träumen und werden bei solchen Versuchen schwer genarrt. Es geht vielmehr um unser soziales Beziehungsgeflecht, um unsere Fehleinschätzungen und die makabren Denkergebnisse unserer Verkopfung. Weil wir alle die Hosen voller Angst haben, denn die Ur- und Lebensangst ist ja bereits ein stabiles Grundprogramm unseres Lebens, geht es auch immer um unsere Ängste und das Generalthema falscher Autorität, das unsere Erfolgserlebnisse auf Kosten andere merklich einschränkt.
Die alles beherrschenden Mutter- und Vater-Syndrome werden vom Traum erbarmungslos hochgeschwemmt und wieder aufgewärmt, auch wenn der Verstand fälschlich meint, dass dies alles schon längst aufgearbeitet wäre. Ein Psychotherapeut der alten Schule braucht hierfür wesentlich mehr Zeit, wenn er überhaupt an die wahren Verdrückungen der Seele seines Patienten herankommt, was ja auch nicht immer, sondern nur gelegentlich der Fall zu sein scheint.
15.09.2008 16:05 | 13x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12679x öffentlich angezeigt | 12692x insgesamt

...ohne dass ich irgendetwas dafür tun müsste.
Es darf keine Motivation für das Praktizieren von Meditation geben. Was ist die Motivation – ist es Verlangen? Sei in Meditation, so oft du kannst, aber praktiziere keine Meditation. Das ist die Botschaft. Nicht, dass du dich nicht im Zustand der Meditation befinden solltest, wenn jedoch eine Motivation besteht, liegt der Zustand des Gefesseltseins vor. Erleuchtung ist ohne das Ich, und daher kann das Ich nicht erleuchtet werden. Samadhi ist ein Zustand, der eintritt, ohne dass ich irgendetwas dafür tun müsste, und daher kann ich Samadhi auch nicht praktizieren. Meditation ist das Ende von jeglichem Tun. Daher vollzieht sich Meditation nicht, wenn ein Handelnder sie praktiziert. Meditation darf nicht mit Technik, mit Üben verbunden sein. Man soll also nicht versuchen, etwas zu tun, das man gar nicht tun kann, da es nur geschehen kann.
26.08.2008 02:50 | 14x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 12733x öffentlich angezeigt | 12747x insgesamt

he was finding ways
Christianity has not got the whole story about Jesus. It starts when he is thirty and ends when he is thirty-three -- only a three year record. And what happened to the thirty years? Where was Jesus? He was travelling in Egypt, in India, in Tibet. He was working hard, he was finding ways and means to enter into his own being. When he reached back to his own people, he had become almost a foreigner.
02.09.2007 22:13 | 15x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13665x öffentlich angezeigt | 13680x insgesamt

thousands of people thought they were saints
There is a beautiful story by Leo Tolstoy.
The archbishop of the old Orthodox Church of Russia -- it is a story set before the revolution -- became very much worried when many people from his congregation started going towards a lake. There were three villagers on a small island in the lake who sat under a tree, with thousands of people who thought they were saints. So the archbishop of Russia was very angry: "Who are these saints? I have not certified anybody in years. Where have these saints suddenly arrived from?" But people were going and the church was becoming more and more empty every day. Finally he decided to go and see who these people were. So he took a motorboat and went to the island. And those three villagers... they were uneducated, simple people, utterly innocent, and the archbishop was a powerful man; next to the czar he was the most powerful man in Russia. He was very angry at those three villagers and told them, "Who made you saints?" They looked at each other. They said, "Nobody. And we don't think we are saints, we are poor people." "But why are so many people coming here?"
They said, "You have to ask them." He said, "Do you know the orthodox prayer of the church?" They said, "We are uneducated and the prayer is too long, we cannot remember it." "So what prayer do you say?" They all looked at each other. "You tell him," said one. "You tell him," said another. They were feeling embarrassed. But the archbishop became more and more arrogant, seeing that these were absolute idiots, "They don't even know the prayer. How can they be saints?" So he said, "Anybody can tell me. Just say it!" They said, "We are feeling very embarrassed because we have made our own prayer, not knowing the authorized prayer of the church. We have made our own prayer, very simple it is. Please forgive us that we did not ask your permission, but we were feeling so embarrassed we did not come. "Our prayer is -- God is three and we are also three, so we have made a prayer -- `You are three and we are three, have mercy on us.' This is our prayer."
The archbishop was very angry: "This is no prayer. I have never heard this kind of thing." He started laughing. Those poor fellows said, "You teach us what the real prayer is. We thought it was perfectly alright: God is three, we are three, and what more is needed? Just have mercy on us." So he told them the orthodox prayer, which was a long prayer. By the time he ended, they said, "We have forgotten the beginning." So he told the beginning again. Then they said, "We have forgotten the end." The archbishop was getting angry and irritated. He said, "What kind of people are you? Can't you remember a simple prayer?" They said, "It is too long and we are uneducated, and such big words. We cannot... You just be patient with us. If you repeat it two or three times perhaps we will get the knack of it." So he repeated it three times. They said, "Okay, we will try, but we are afraid that it may not be the complete prayer... some things may be missing... but we will try." The arrogant archbishop was very much satisfied that he had finished these three saints and he could tell his people, "They are idiots. Why are you going there?" And he left in the boat. Suddenly he saw that behind his boat those three people were running on the water, coming after him. He could not believe his eyes; he rubbed his eyes. By that time they had reached the side of his boat, standing on the water. And they said, "Just one time more, we forgot." But seeing the situation: "These people are walking on water and I am going in the motorboat," he said, "You continue your prayer. Don't bother about what I have said to you. Just forgive me, I was arrogant. Your simpleness, your innocence is your prayer. You just go. You don't need any certificate." But they insisted, "You have come so far. Just one time more... We know we might forget it, but one time more so we can remember it." But the archbishop said, "I have been repeating that prayer my whole life, and it has not been heard. And you are walking on water, and we have heard only in the miracles of Jesus that he used to walk on water. This is the first time I have seen the miracle. You just go back. Your prayer is perfectly alright!" The prayer was not the thing because there is nobody to hear it, but their utter innocence and trust transformed them into totally new beings, so fresh, so childlike, just like roseflowers opening in the early morning sun in all their beauty. Now that the arrogance was dropped, the archbishop could see their faces, their innocence, their grace, their blissfulness. They returned back on the water, running hand in hand, and reached their tree.
27.08.2007 17:33 | 16x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13620x öffentlich angezeigt | 13636x insgesamt

everything is very simple
The man of universal consciousness does not follow any principle, but whatsoever he does is right, and whatsoever he avoids is wrong. That is for those who are in the valley. They can try to figure out that what the man of pure consciousness does, that is right; and what he avoids, that is wrong. He avoids that only for you; for him there is nothing to be avoided. It is just out of compassion that he avoids anything; otherwise for him everything is very simple, undivided, one. In your life you will be facing every moment the choice of what to do, what not to do. In the dark world where humanity lives, each moment is a moment of decision: what to do, what not to do. And the trouble is, whatever you do proves to be wrong. Whatever you do you have to repent, for the simple reason that existence is one and undivided. In your unconsciousness you divide it in two, right and wrong. Your division is arbitrary. So what you think is right you do and what you think is wrong you don't do. But the wrong is an indivisible part of the right, so sooner or later it will take revenge. You will start feeling guilty about why you did this and not that, why you chose this and not that -- perhaps that was right .... In your wavering state you are bound to think, "Perhaps that was right which I have not done." You can't be certain about your doing because you are not yet certain of your being. Being comes first, and once being is realized, all doing is right: it does not matter what you do. But in the dark valleys of unconsciousness, doing is first -- and that is your problem. One thing is right this moment; the next moment the same thing is not right. Then you are split continuously. Yesterday you did something thinking it was right; today you found it was not. Now it cannot be undone, it will hang over you your whole life. And don't think that if you have done the other thing, things would have been different -- no, not at all. People who are married are suffering and continually thinking that if they had chosen to remain unmarried, that would have been right. And people who have remained unmarried are continually worried: perhaps they are missing the real joys of life -- it would have been better if they had married. People who have children are constantly harassed by the children. Those who don't have children are constantly harassed because they don't have children; they are missing something. It seems in this world you cannot be in the right place, whatever you do. Whichever way you go you always reach the wrong spot. It looks very strange and weird but it is not, it is very mathematical. Because you are wrong, wherever you go, whatever you do, turns out to be wrong. You cannot do right remaining the way you are. So the emphasis of taoism is not on action. All the religions in the world emphasize action: do the right action. First be, and then the right action follows of its own accord.
24.04.2007 22:23 | 20x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13933x öffentlich angezeigt | 13953x insgesamt

interpretations of the old Jewish tradition
You must have heard small babies talk about themselves as separate persons. They may say, "The baby is hungry. The baby is thirsty." The "I" takes a little time to grow. It takes at least three to four years for society to create an ego so the baby starts saying "I" -- instead of saying, "The baby" is hungry, "I" am hungry. And the moment the baby says, "I am hungry," he is no longer a baby. He has entered into the world, he has graduated, in a way.
But according to Zen, once again you have to become just like the baby. This second childhood is the greatest revolution possible.
Jesus is right when he says, "Unless you are born again, you will not understand the truth." He had been traveling for seventeen years in the East, and he had gathered much. And that was really the problem why Jews could not accept him. He was talking a language that was not theirs. He was making interpretations of the old Jewish tradition in a way that had never been heard and that he had brought from the East.
And at that time the whole of the East was full of the vibrations of Gautam Buddha. Just five hundred years had passed since Gautam Buddha was alive, yet his vibrations were in the atmosphere. And there are possibilities that Jesus did not only visit India and Tibet. There is a place in Japan which also proclaims that he visited there. In the Bible these seventeen years are completely missing. They don't listen to any other argument, because that would be disturbing to whatever they have managed up to now as their Holy Bible.
Jesus was much influenced by Buddha's teachings. This teaching, "Unless you are born again," has the flavor of Gautam Buddha who was continuously teaching that you have to drop everything that has been told to you, you have to forget everything that has been programmed in you. Gautam Buddha brings to the world the first deprogramming philosophy. And when you are deprogrammed completely, who are you? -- just a pure nothingness, just a silence. All words were borrowed, all sutras were given to you, all religions were forced on your mind. You are not a Christian, and you are not a Hindu, and you are not a Mohammedan. You were born just as pure consciousness.
You have to attain that pure consciousness again. This is rebirth. And this rebirth brings the buddha, the pure consciousness, the consciousness which knows no boundaries; hence, it cannot call itself "I." A consciousness which has become one with the whole has nothing to say.
Buddha, when he became enlightened, for seven days remained silent, wondering whether to say it or not. "Because in every possible way," he thought, "it will be misunderstood. It is better to be silent." But a compassionate heart could not be at ease in silence, seeing that "Everybody needs this exploration, this excursion into himself. I know the way, if I remain silent it will be criminal. But if I say anything, then too, I will not be absolutely right in saying it, because that which is beyond the word cannot be brought into the word."
So after seven days, compassion took over, and finally he tried. For forty-two years he went on saying to people, and always making it clear -- "What I am saying, don't take it literally. I want you to experience it. Only then will you understand the meaning of it -- not by hearing me, but by experiencing it. Only by tasting it, will you know the sweetness of it."
Boncho wrote:
Life is just a river, a long river -- a long line through snowy fields. And then what happens? Each river, small or big, dissolves into the ocean, finds its way without any guide, without any sutras, without any masters. It may go astray, zigzag, but finally it reaches to the ocean. And that reaching to the ocean is becoming the ocean. That is the rebirth. That's meditation.
Every river is destined to disappear one day into the ocean. Go dancingly, go joyfully. There is no need to be worried, there is no need to be hurried. The ocean is waiting -- you can take your time, but take your time with joy, not with tensions and anxieties. Rejoice and dance and sing and love, and finally you are going to disappear into the ocean. The ocean is always waiting for you.
Even though you are far away from the ocean you are part of it, always reaching, always coming closer to the ocean. Everybody is going to become a buddha today or tomorrow -- and there are only seven days in a week, so you can choose...
22.04.2007 20:59 | 18x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13825x öffentlich angezeigt | 13843x insgesamt

look a little in
Man ordinarily exists only mechanically. He is not aware although he believes he is aware. In fact that belief hinders him from becoming aware. Man is fast asleep not only in the night but in the day too. He is constantly dreaming. You can watch it yourself. Any time close your eyes, relax a little and you will be surprised: dreams start moving. They were already moving like an undercurrent. You were occupied with outside reality, hence you were not looking at them, but they were there all the time. Your back was towards them. Just look a little in and you will find thousands of dreams crowding you: possible, impossible, consistent, and inconsistent.
When you see this state, you will understand why humanity has missed always the awakened ones. The awakened one has no more any undercurrent of dreaming in him. He is fully alert, aware. He speaks the language of awareness and you are asleep. There is no possibility of communication between you and the awakened one. He shouts, he makes every effort to reach you, to penetrate you, to penetrate your sleep and unconsciousness, but it is thick, dense and very deep. Rarely do you hear him, very rarely, and even when you hear him you misinterpret him. Even when you hear him you don't listen to him. You are like a drunk who seems to be hearing, but still goes on interpreting according to his drunken state. The whole humanity needs to be part of an organization like Alcoholics Anonymous. You may not be alcoholic, you may not be taking any intoxicant, you may not be taking or injecting any drug, but the society goes on injecting into your blood, into your being, many poisons.
For example, each child is poisoned by the society through teaching him ambition. Ambition is a poison far more dangerous than any alcohol can ever be, far more dangerous than marijuana or LSD, because ambition destroys your whole life. It keeps you moving in a false direction. It keeps you imagining, desiring, dreaming, it keeps you wasting your life. Ambition means a subtle creation of the ego, and once the ego is created you are in the grip of darkness. And the whole social structure depends on ambition. Be the first! Wherever you are, whatsoever you are doing: be the first! -- as if being the first has something divine about it. By what means you become the first is irrelevant. By right means or wrong means, succeed! As if success in itself has become equivalent to life, synonymous with life.
Life has nothing to do with success. Success keeps you rushing towards the future and that becomes your intoxicant. Hoping, hoping for the tomorrow, wasting that which you have or that which you don't have and will never have.
13.01.2007 18:45 | 20x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13786x öffentlich angezeigt | 13806x insgesamt

Had he just accepted the post
Latvians busy knitting woollen mittensas gifts for delegates of an upcoming NATO summit have been warned to avoid a traditional folk symbol related to the swastika. The symbol at issue is the traditional thunder cross, a symbol not likely to be mistaken for a Nazi emblem.

The King of China was after Lao Tzu, that he should become his prime-minister, for a wiser person than he, was difficult to find. Had he just accepted the post, that was enough to raise the king's prestige sky-high. The king's men dogged Lao-Tzu's feet. Lao Tzu would leave the village as soon as he came to know that the king's men had arrived in search of him.
With great difficulty, Lao Tzu was caught. He was sitting on the bank of a river catching fish. The captain of the king's party approached him with folded hands and said, "You do not know why we are following you! The king has ordered that you be given the place of the highest honour in the kingdom. You are to become the prime-minister!" Lao Tzu sat quiet, without a word. The leader of the party thought, he had not heard. He shook him and said, "Don't you hear what I say?" Nearby in a hollow filled with slush, there was some movement. Lao Tzu said, "Do you see that hollow? What is there in it? Why is it moving?"
The leader and his party went up to the puddle and saw a tortoise wallowing in the slush.
Lao Tzu says, "I have heard that there is a tortoise in the palace of your king which is covered with gold". The gold-encrusted tortoise was the emblem of the king of China in those days. "You have heard right," said the headman. "If you were to ask this tortoise to come with you to the palace, be covered with gold and be worshipped once in a year, do you think he will agree?" Asked Lao Tzu. "Or will he prefer to stay in this slush and be free?" "If he has any sense," replied the headman, "he will remain where he is; for to be encrusted in gold is to die. Then what use will all the worship be to him?"
Lao Tzu says, "I have at least as much understanding as this poor tortoise! Please go. I'm happy in my slush. Do not try to encrust me in gold; for then I shall die." In fact, to be encrusted in gold add to die are one and the same thing. No one can be encrusted in gold before he dies. The higher the post you want to attain, the more dead you have to become. The greater the wealth you want to achieve the more dead you have to be. It is difficult to climb up without becoming dead. All heights are suicidal! The excellence of water lies in its benevolence towards others and in its humility because of which it occupies with ease, the lowest place, which we look down upon. This is why the nature of water is akin to Tao.
28.12.2006 01:54 | 15x von Mitgliedern aufgerufen | 13829x öffentlich angezeigt | 13844x insgesamt

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